Seminar by Dr. Davide Venturelli (NASA, USA) - 22 JULY, 2021.
November 30 - December 11, 2020 (Postponed)
Workshop Frontiers of Quantum Simulations with Synthetic Systems
Venue: International Institute of Physics, Natal-RN (Brazil).
Leonardo Fallani (University of Florence, Italy);
Mohammad Hafezi (University of Maryland, USA);
Tommaso Macrì (UFRN, Natal-RN);
Cristiane Morais Smith (University of Utrecht, Netherlands)
Seminar by Dr. João Pinto Barros (University of Bern, Switzerland) - 15 JULY, 2021.
Mass and Charge of the Quantum Vortex in the (2 + 1)-d O(2) Scalar Field Theory.
Seminar by Dr. Alejandro Mendoza-Coto (UFSC, Brazil) - 08 JULY, 2021.
Cluster quasi-crystals phases produced by quantum fluctuations.
Seminar by Dr. Antun Balaz (Center for the Study of Complex Systems, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia) - 01 JULY, 2021.
Faraday and Resonant Waves in Dipolar Cigar-Shaped Bose-Einstein Condensates.
Seminar by Dr. Cristiane de Morais Smith (Utrecht University, Netherlands) - 21 JUNE, 2021.
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Seminar by Dr. Rodrigo Pereira (International Institute of Physics, Brazil) - 17 JUNE, 2021.
Majorana fermions in quantum spin liquids.
Seminar by Dr. Pedro Ribeiro (IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal) - 10 JUNE, 2021.
Dissipative Quantum Dynamics – From Order to Chaos.
Seminar by Dr. Peter Schauss (University of Virginia, United States) - 03 JUNE, 2021.
A triangular-lattice Fermi gas microscope.
Seminar by Dr. Richard Howl (University of Hong Kong, China & University of Nottingham, United Kingdom) - 27 MAY, 2021.
Non-Gaussianity as a signature of a quantum theory of gravity in tabletop tests.
Seminar by Dr. Andreas Läuchli (University of Innsbruck, Austria) - 20 MAY, 2021.
Theoretical and Computional Modelling of Recent Rydberg Quantum Simulator Experiments.
Seminar by Dr. Thereza Paiva (UFRJ, Brazil) - 13 MAY, 2021.
Critical Temperature of the 2D Attractive Hubbard model.
Seminar by Dr. Vanderlei Bagnato (USP-São Carlos, Brazil) - 10 MAY, 2021.
Quantum Turbulence in Trapped atoms: universality for a far from equilibrium system.
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Seminar by Dr. Luca Barbiero (ICFO Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain) - 06 MAY, 2021.
Quantum Simulation of Frustrated Quantum Magnetism in a Frustration-free Bose-Ladder.
Seminar by Dr. Nicolo Defenu (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) - 29 ABR, 2021.
Quantum adiabatic cycles and their breakdowns.
Seminar by Dr. André Cidrim (UFSCar, Brazil) - 22 ABR, 2021.
Harnessing dipole-dipole interactions of ground-state neutral atoms.
Seminar by Dr. Patrizia Vignolo (Institut de Physique de Nice, France) - 15 ABR, 2021.
Quantum boomerang effect in disordered systems.
Seminar by Dr. Alessandra Souza Barbosa (UFPR, Brazil) - 12 ABR, 2021.
Electron and positron scattering by cyclic molecules.
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Seminar by Dr. Romain Bachelard (UFSCar, Brazil) - 25 MAR, 2021.
Exploring many-body physics with a cloud of cold atoms and a laser.
Seminar by Dr. Cesar Cabrera (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany) - 18 MAR, 2021.
Interaction control and bright solitons in coherently-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates.
Seminar by Dr. Sylvio Canuto (USP, Brazil) - 15 MAR, 2021.
Environment Contribution to Molecular Properties and Spectroscopy.
From Simple to Complex Systems.
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Seminars (SBF-ATO)
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Our group is organizing a cycle of seminars with distinguished speakers from
the AMO community in collaboration with the Brazilian Physical Society (SBF). Check it out!
Congratulations to Dr. Diego Paiva for his new job at UFMA as a professor!
Seminar by Dr. Alessandro Silva (SISSA, Italy) - 11 MAR, 2021.
Multipartite entanglement, out of time order correlations and Eigenstate thermalization.
Seminar by Dr. Tilman Enss (University of Heidelberg, Germany) - 04 MAR, 2021.
Transport and contact correlations in ultracold Fermi gases.
Seminar by Dr. Pablo Poggi (University of New Mexico, United States) - 25 FEB, 2021.
Robust and fragile observables in noisy quantum simulators.
Seminar by Dr. Luca Salasnich (University of Padova, Italy) - 04 FEB, 2021.
Finite-size effects in a bosonic Josephson junction.
Seminar by Dr. Igor Lesanovsky (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom & University of Tübingen, Germany) - 28 JAN, 2021.
Exploring non-equilibrium physics with synthetic quantum systems.
Seminar by Valentin Walther (Harvard University, United States) - 21 JAN, 2021.
Rydberg physics in a semiconductor: a case study.
Seminar by Dr. Jörg Götte (University of Glasgow, Scotland) - 14 JAN, 2021.
Optical helicity and its interaction with chiral matter.
Seminar by Rodrigo Arouca (UFRJ, Brazil) - 07 JAN, 2021.
Unconventional scaling at non-hermitian critical points.
New Serrapilheira grant 2021-2024
Tommaso received a prestigious
Serrapilheira research grant
for the period 2021-2024. The funding will be used to generate new opportunities within our group and build new collaborations.
Check our job opportunities page
for information about current openings. Stay tuned!
Seminar by Dr. Lea Santos (Yeshiva University, USA) - 10 DEC, 2020.
Time scales for the equilibration of many-body quantum systems.
Seminar by Dr. Pietro Massignan (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain) - 03 DEC, 2020.
A single impurity in a BEC: orthogonality catastrophe, macroscopic coherent dressing, and
perturbative solution at unitarity.
Seminar by Dr. Andrea Marini (University of L’Aquila, Italy) - 26 NOV, 2020.
Nonlinear self-organization in dissipative systems and in epsilon-near-zero media.
Seminar by Dr. Manuel Gessner (École Normale Supérieure, France) - 19 NOV, 2020.
Quantum parameter estimation - from fundamentals to applications.
Seminar by Dr. Massimo Ostilli (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil) - 05 NOV, 2020.
First-order quantum phase transitions as condensations in the space of states.
Seminar by Dr. Weibin Li (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom) - 29 OCT, 2020.
Blackbody Radiation Enhanced Superradiance in ultracold Rydberg Gases.
Seminar by Matteo Ciardi (University of Florence, Italy) - 22 OCT, 2020.
Path Integral Monte Carlo for bosons in quasiperiodic lattices.
Seminar by Dr. Gabriel T. Landi (Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil) - 08 OCT, 2020.
Thermodynamics of continuously measured quantum systems.
Seminar by Dr. Fabian Maucher (Aarhus University, Denmark) - 01 OCT, 2020.
Supersolids with Honeycomb-Symmetry in Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates.
Seminar by Dr. Mohammad Hafezi (Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland, USA) - 24 SEP, 2020.
Topological photonics.
Seminar by Dr. Luca Lepori (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy) - 10 SEP, 2020.
Long-range topological insulators and weakened bulk-boundary correspondence.
Seminar by Dr. William Guerin (Institut de Physique de Nice, France) - 03 SEP, 2020.
Intensity interferometry for the 21st century.
Seminar by Dr. Giandomenico Palumbo (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) - 27 AUG, 2020.
Novel aspects of topological matter: from Floquet-engineering nodal-line semimetals to higher-order
topological insulators for doublons.
Seminar by Dr. Giulia Semeghini (Harvard University, USA) - 20 AUG, 2020.
Quantum simulation and computation with programmable Rydberg atom arrays.
Seminar by Dr. Guido Pagano (Rice University, USA) - 13 AUG, 2020.
From Quantum Algorithms to Out-of-Equilibrium Phenomena in Interacting Trapped-Ion Spin Chains.
Seminar by Dr. Abolfazl Bayat (UESTC, China) - 06 AUG, 2020.
Accelerated variational algorithms for digital quantum simulation of many-body ground states.
Seminar by Dr. Lisan Marcos Marques Durão (UFRN, Brazil) - 30 JUL, 2020.
Quantum Dissipation: From Brownian Motion to Neural Networks.
Seminar by Giulia Del Pace (University of Florence/LENS, Italy) - 23 JUL, 2020.
Order parameter of fermionic superfluids from Josephson supercurrents.
Congratulations to Nathane Souza for completing successfully her undergraduate studies
with the dissertation: 'Elementary applications of Machine learning in Physics'.
We look forward to your Master studies in our group!
Seminar by Dr. Alexander Baumgartner (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) - 16 JUL, 2020.
Novel structures and phase transitions in a superradiant crystal.
Seminar by Dr. Nicole Yunger Halpern (Harvard University, United States) - 09 JUL, 2020.
MBL-mobile: Many-body-localized engine.
Seminar by Robin C. Verstraten (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) - 02 JUL, 2020.
Time Glass: A Fractional Calculus approach.
Congratulations to our postdoc Diego Paiva for the best PhD thesis 2016-2017 of the SBF!
Click here to acess the SBF's page (in portuguese).
Seminar by Dr. Salvatore Marco Giampaolo (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia) - 25 JUN, 2020.
The Frustration of being Odd: destroying and reconstructing local orders.
Seminar by Dr. Michele Burrello (Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark) - 18 JUN, 2020.
Resonant states of interacting ultracold atoms on ladder geometries.
Seminar by Dr. Luca Tanzi (CNR-INO and LENS, Italy) - 11 JUN, 2020.
Exploring the supersolid phase of matter with a dipolar quantum gas.
June 4, 2020
Meeting: Spring Meeting on Ultracold Quantum Matter Venue: Department of Physics and Astronomy Galileo Galilei, Room R (Univerity of Padova, Italy).
Fabio Cinti (University of Florence, Italy);
Luca Dell'Anna (University of Padova, Italy); Tommaso Macrì (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil);
Luca Salasnich (University of Padova, Italy).
Third International Workshop on Ultracold Rydberg Physics
Venue: Boa Viagem Beach, Recife-PE (Brazil).
Organizing Committee:
Rosario Gonzalez Ferez (Universidad de Granada, Spain);
Tommaso Macrì (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil);
Emanuel Alves de Lima Henn (University of São Paulo, Brazil);
Paul Kunz (Army Research Laboratory, USA);
James P. Shaffer (Quantum Valley Ideas Laboratories, Canada);
Luis G. Marcassa (University of São Paulo, Brazil).
Meet the Editors - Scientific Writing
Interview with Prof. Tommaso Macrì (organizer), Dr. Julie Kim
Zajong (Editor of Phys. Rev. Applied) and Prof. Laurens Molenkamp (Lead
editor Phys. Rev. B).
September 13, 2018
Colloquium by Prof. Rodrigo Capaz (UFRJ). Theory of Electrons in 2D Materials and van der Waals Heterostructures
2015-current Assistant professor at UFRN (Brazil); 2014: Joint postdoc MPQ-Garching (Germany) and QSTAR-Florence (Italy); 2012-2013: Guest scientist at MPI-PKS in Dresden (Germany); 2007-2011 PhD at International Institute for Advances Studies (SISSA) in Trieste (Italy).
When not doing physics I
enjoy swimming in warm and blue ocean water. Fan of basketball and
soccer. I appreciate good food and Brazilian barbecue!