Lecture series on Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Start date: March 5 2018.
End date: April 5 2018.

Venue: Proin Room (DFTE-UFRN).

Instructors: Prof. Luciano Casarini, Prof. Askery Canabarro.

Class on Mondays and Wednesdays, at 4:00 pm.

Course Plan

First part: (Prof. Luciano Casarini)
  1. Intro to ML: what is ML, why? when? Types of ML, main challenges of ML. Resources;
  2. Example of ML: python, jupyter, pandas, matplotlib, prepare and visualize the data, train an test, cross-validation. Scikit-learn;
  3. Classification: MNIST, confusion matrix, precision and recall, ROC curve, errors analysis;
  4. Regression: linear regression, gradient descent, regulatization, logistic regression;
  5. Support Vector Machine: linear and non linear SVM classification, SVM regression, Kernels;
  6. Decision trees: CART, Gini impurity and entropy, regularization and instability;
  7. Ensemble Learning and Random Forest: voting classifiers, bagging and pasting, Random Forest, Boosting, Stacking;
  8. Dimensionality Reduction: Projection, Manifold Learning, Principal Component Analysis, Kernel PCA.

Second part: (Prof. Askery Canabarro)

  1. Tensor Flow;
  2. Introduction to Artificial Neural Network;
  3. Training Deep Neural Nets;
  4. Distributing Tensor FLow Acorss Devices and Servers;
  5. Convolutional Neural Network;
  6. Recurrent Neural Network;
  7. Autoencoders;
  8. Reinforcement Learning.

Bibliography and suggested reading:

  • Aurélien Géron. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow: concepts, tools, and techniques to build intelligent systems.2017.
  • Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville. Deep Learning. 2016.
  • Sebastian Raschka. Python Machine Learning. 2017.
  • Geoffrey Hinton. Neural Networks for Machine Learning (Online Course with certificate).
  • Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman. The Elements of Statistical Learning: data mining, inference, and prediction. 2016.
  • Additional Material;
  • Quora;
  • Reddit;
  • Kaggle;
  • GitHub.